Original Post
I'm playing aikido.tbm in quick aikido, and trying to get rank 1 in the world, and when I happen to lose why does my rank go down so much it takes like 10 games to get the rank back?

Is this a glitch?
No, the game actually senses your real skills and tries to give you the rating you deserve.

jk jk! Ya, it's a bitch. Elo system works that way. If you meet some guys with 1600 elo with your 1700 one, Win/lose might look like +0.1/-2.0. This is so that you're not supposed to get a lot of elo while meeting people far worse than you.
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You just need to maintain a high enough win ratio so that your wins offset your losses (mistakes). Kind of like kill/death ratio first person shooters. Playing against truly skillful players hurts more than it helps unless you really are skillful. The exception to this is if you join a room catch the top guy off guard with a shovel and immediately leave before he can try to counter you. This is useful in tournaments, fond memories.

But I think you know that already so here is something more useful.

Some players do not mind losing over and over again. These are the players you want to be playing against. Try to be friendly instead of trolling and encourage them with "gg" and "almost" or "you had me worried there!". This sort of encouragement goes a long way towards getting 10-20-30-40 streaks that are needed for positive elo improvements.

Mr first account was called shrek00001 and I'd troll people so hard "what are you doing in my swamp" and "get shreked". Routing rooms was loads of fun and an accomplishment of trolling. But you cannot increase your elo if you have no one to farm elo off.

As for how to shovel, you just need to figure out all the counters and then counter better than your opponent.

Also, if you get good enough you can just beat anyone regardless of their skill level and I am seeing that more as I have improved.
Last edited by ShovelMLG; Apr 14, 2015 at 09:12 AM.
I usually just get blasted for my technique, everyone calling me a shovel etc.

They usually end up copying my move at least once before leaving, just because it's near perfect and usually wins lots of matches.
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I usually just get blasted for my technique, everyone calling me a shovel etc.

They usually end up copying my move at least once before leaving, just because it's near perfect and usually wins lots of matches.

It is pretty funny and satisfying when they try to shovel you back and then you show them the difference in your skill.
And the one who made that shovel, when he almost lost in the fight he leaved.
Only loss 2 rank though.

I also agree that current ranking system is kind of.. Annoying.
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I think quitting gives you a less of a elo penalty than if you lose to someone of lower rank, that's why it's better to leave than lose when rank hunting.

Also, how long will it take to get the "One and Only" achievement for attainting rank one globally?
Last edited by Swaves; Apr 14, 2015 at 11:59 AM.