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[Art] I don't even know anymore.
So this is my first time making an art thread, and just because I'm a casual artist who takes no art classes and just improvises my drawings. I decided to post an example of my work. I actually edited this drawing later on, but it's drawn only with notebook paper, mechanical pencil (0.7mm lead) and 20 minutes of in classroom time. But this is a simple drawing of idek so enjoy. Feel free to comment, maybe I'll post the finished shaded/lightened/finished one soon.
the hat doesn't make any sense in proportion to the angle we're looking at it from, we can see the hair even though he's balding (probably from the very top of his head)
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Is that a cartoon?
The hair looks weird though.

The mouch and bread is nice.
A milionner huh? Pretty nice theme.
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