Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Space grace period
Ohhh spacing, the wonderful thing that literally everyone that plays this game hates. Well I have a question, why has a grace period not been implemented. It would slow the ability to farm for people that don't know what they're doing, and it would eliminate spacing before a match starts so you end up doing nothing in the first turn.

What I suggest is simply a grace period of even a second after the game officially starts, so as to minimize spacing at the starts of matches.
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Originally Posted by PlataBear View Post
Ohhh spacing, the wonderful thing that literally everyone that plays this game hates. Well I have a question, why has a grace period not been implemented. It would slow the ability to farm for people that don't know what they're doing, and it would eliminate spacing before a match starts so you end up doing nothing in the first turn.

What I suggest is simply a grace period of even a second after the game officially starts, so as to minimize spacing at the starts of matches.

I cant see any problem with this for the first turn, but I cant tell if you mean just for the first turn or for each turn.

The only problem I could see is if the players have no way back to each other and in effect the outcome of the match has been decided and both players agree to space it out, but cant because of the grace period
This would be for the first turn I believe, SmallBowl. It's because when you go to hit space after the match if you've won or if you're next in line. It sometimes doesn't register and you hit it again and as soon as you go to hit it again, the match starts and boom, you've spaced. An easier way to avoid this is to just be patient. But this would easily help that. Like, the first 2 seconds in the beginning of the match (not the next turn frames) you're unable to lock in your turn.

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I see no negative side effects to this. Only question, this would be before the timer starts right? (so you dont lose time)


Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
I see no negative side effects to this. Only question, this would be before the timer starts right? (so you dont lose time)


You can still do things with joints. So you're not losing time. It's just you can't space to lock in the turn for a couple seconds.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
funny you come up with this, tb was lagging recently so i click space during a replay, puts me into the next match after a second, then toribash gets all confused and spaces for me before i have even clicked a joint, i was mad xD
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The only problem I see is glitches ( Like the infamous 0) where Tb doesn't realize that the grace period ended and it doesn't let you space. For this, I think that if the timers run out, it automatically goes to next turn for mods like Lolnadefast.tbm. That way it doesn't the game all that much.
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i think this is needed for a long time now, but if there was a timer that counts how many seconds are left until the next round, would that help?
There are scripts that prevent this, I believe. It prevents you from spacing for a small amount of time after your match has begun.
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Still Hydra, People who are newer to the game wouldn't know how to download scripts. It would be better if it was just implemented out right.
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"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15