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Surprise Packs/Boxes

I don't know if this has been suggested before, and if it has, I'm sorry.
Wouldn't it be cool if there were like packs or boxes with random items inside? They could be divided into different tiers, each one with items of that value. For example, a pack worth 100k that could get you either void, demon, pure or warrior items. Maybe 3/4 items per box?

It would be even better if the boxes didn't have a QI restriction, so that anyone that can afford it could have one.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
Raise the pricing and sure, this would be pretty cool. It would be like magical sack, but accessible to the public.

I would definitely have the pricing be pretty high if it were going to consist of NO QI items like Void, one of the hardest colors to unlock QI wise.

Only problem I could see with this is RNG gods handing out some Demon Timers and silly things like that. That's part of the chance to risk getting a Surprise pack though, I suppose. In general, this would be pretty cool. I personally wouldn't spend 100k+ to get a elf ghost though.

|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
So like FIFA pack style? Sounds ok to me, but it has to be really well thought out.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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Yeah, I thought about the price too, and they should be reaaaally high. It could be also another way of sinking tc.

And getting an elf ghost would be part of the fun! Imagine the feeling when you get a demon force, or a pure force, that would be awesome.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
So? Don't buy them if you don't want to risk your tc, that's the risk you take when buying something random.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
The thoughts are good and most people like doing bets like this.
The price should be raised to like 250k for the no qi items.

After thinking about this idea for a while, you could have multiple tiers to buy.
Tier 1 - could be decent items, with a very, very small chance of getting a rare item (ie demon).
Tier 2 - Better items then tier one, and a greater chance to get a rare item.
Tier 3 - Much greater items, and a good chance to get a rare item
Tier 4 - Invariably contains a rare item
Tier 5 - Must be very, very expensive. Contains 5 or more items of tier 3 and up


i miss you ocean
wouldnt it be better to go the route of cs go
a undecided price for a "case"
different levels up items, like

cs go

might be a great way to sink tc or whatever, maybe 250k for a single case