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Better tourney bracket/formulation
So I just come home and though "What if, you never had to wait in toribash tourneys.". So I made a system where you never have to wait more than 2 and a half second after you have been playing.
So this is based on people playing at the same time.
This could also be used for betting servers.
So here's a picture of what it should look like with the camera out-zoomed.
\!/ This image is not perfectly made, but I hope you get the idea. \!/
\!/ Those are not actuall fights, those are made up fights, I used the command /dl (name) and /lp 0/1 (name). \!/
(In the mod aikidobigdojo.tbm)

There should be a limit on how many players that should join. And in this system the limit is six.
This might cause a lot of lag. But in my opinion it'd be worth it.
Issues so far
1. What happens if a skeet hits one of the other matches? (Or a dismembered body-part.)
2. What happens if a match ends early through a dq?
3. What happens if one player disconnects?
4. What happens if one player pings?
5. Doesn't that mean that the damage-points, timer, name and clan tag will over-lap?
6. Won't the sound f*ck up even more like in the latest toribash update?

Answers so far
1. A dismembered body-part will not be able to enter another dojo, it should bounce away like it was a shield.
2. The person who wins in that match will have to wait a couple of more seconds.
3. The tourney will stop untill someone else joins and can take over the guy who left.
4. He will get 10 seconds to re-connect, or another player will join and take over him.
5. No, you'll only be able to see your own and your opponents.
6. No, you will only be able to hear your own sounds and hits, since you're so far away from the other matches.
Last edited by Hypersaint; May 7, 2015 at 05:14 PM.
Supported. But this is really hard to do I guess. If they decide to do something like that it's not going to come out in the next few Patches. It might take much more time than you think.
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Originally Posted by Hulk30000 View Post
Supported. But this is really hard to do I guess. If they decide to do something like that it's not going to come out in the next few Patches. It might take much more time than you think.

Maybe setting the amount of games going on at the same time to be an even number would be more fair.
Right now you have the idea of 3 games which means one of the games can instantly get into the finals if they win whilst the other two games will have to play 2 games before they get to finals. So changing it to 2 or 4 games at onc means each player will have to play the same amount of games to win the tourney.
Also with the DQ early, ping timeout and player disconnecting in the middle of matches, just have it like the way that it is currently, the player that was up against the one who ended the match early would win, and then they would have to wait for their opponent to finish their match.
Lastly, I think that having 6 Tori's all playing at once on the one server might cause serious lag
Yes, I know that one is going to the finals instantly, so yes I totally agree with that it should be changed to 2 or 4 matches instead.
And yes, the lag will be a problem.
Since I am not a programmer, I don't know if there's and way to "Upgrade" the engine of Toribash.
I'd prefer changing it to 4 matches.
I think 2 matches would be a bit fast and boring.
---2nd EDIT---
Maybe you shouldn't be able to see the others playing.
That'd maybe cause too much lag.
Last edited by Hypersaint; May 8, 2015 at 05:24 AM.
The limit would have to be at least 6. Maybe 8. So it would be fair. It would simply not begin until you had the minimum.
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I was honestly thinking of this, it could speed up the tournament instead of it being long and boring being in the queue
