Original Post
Power of Joints
So yeah, since i've been playing tb for a few years i've noticed that tori's are pretty unrealisticly powerful (the way they can extend knees and push off the ground purely off of that thrust). So i thought it'd be cool to add an option for changing the power of joints, like you could add it to the mod options (for example, playground fighting, change the power to 10%).
He means force applied.
Like if you want to lightly hit someone, you'd set the % low.
If you want to kill a man, set it really fuckin' high.
Originally Posted by regotten View Post
He means force applied.
Like if you want to lightly hit someone, you'd set the % low.
If you want to kill a man, set it really fuckin' high.

pretty much yeah
This would be sooo useful for replaymaking.
For example, let's say you make a manipulation replay,
you want to push him slow up in the air, not dismember his f**** body.
~Supported like a motherfucker~
This is a fuckin' sexy idea, and I would pay for this, not really though, as I am poor
Originally Posted by uhm View Post
isnt this basically dm threshold?

No, this man is talking about setting the force acting as accelerator for you angular momentum of limbs. This idea sounds cool, but would bring the game from being a 16^4x2 challenge to 16^"nr of jointstates"x2 which would probably make the multiplayer aspect really hard to muster, and thus overly complex (beyond eve complex) and thus ruining part of the simplicity that lies withing the 16joint ragdoll fighting with 4 jointstates.

For the purpose of singleplayer and sparring however I see the benefits, but implementing such a feature would mean major alterations to both the UI and possibly the game core as jointstates cannot be sent the same way they are today between clients.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Two of the thingies you can poke in modding changes how strong joints are (in terms of power, not DM).
Obviously not something you can change on the fly, but if you wanted to make weaker toris that don't jump from lifting their arms it's totally possible.

Make a new mod & change the strength & velocity of the joints, though you might want to poke the weight of the body parts too in order to compensate for it or you could end up being unable to stand up.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Two of the thingies you can poke in modding changes how strong joints are (in terms of power, not DM).
Obviously not something you can change on the fly, but if you wanted to make weaker toris that don't jump from lifting their arms it's totally possible.

Make a new mod & change the strength & velocity of the joints, though you might want to poke the weight of the body parts too in order to compensate for it or you could end up being unable to stand up.

As to my knowledge there is no script, lua or whathaveyou, that does what he asked for: Changable joint "strength" on the go. A simple set on a individual joints strength in the middle of a spar can't be changed as of now, and if I not missread his post twice, that is what he's asking for. (ie, jointstates for 1%, 2% 3% ... 100% joint strength on hold, contract and extend, where 0% is equal to relax in all 3 modes.)
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!