Original Post
We should get Notifications through email or Private Message or in game if some one comments on your posts or something like that.
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there is already an option for getting notifications both in forums and through email.

to subscribe to a thread, click on thread tools above the original post, then click Subscribe to Thread. there should be some options. if you want threads to send email notifications always, go to edit options in your user cp, go to the messaging & notification category, then default thread subscription mode. then change it to whatever you want. unfortunately, there is no way for subscriptions to reach through PMs and ingame.
You can subscribe to threads. To when they comment on it, you'll get a notification in your User CP.

To subscribe to threads, you must go to the top, click Thread Tools, click Subscribe to this thread. Then it'll ask you if you want to receive notifications from the thread, you click Yes.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."