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Devil's Giveaway Stream
Devil's Giveaway Stream
Currently I am: OFFLINE

Are you tired of the 24/7 grind? Are you looking for a faster way to earn TC? Or are you just finding another way to be entertained?

Well come check out my giveaway stream. I buy tc and receive donations from amazing people that love giving back to the community and I myself always wanted to stream. I think with my passion for streaming and your passion for.... well... TC, we can all have some fun!

I host games such as:
Beat Devil for TC
Knockout Tourneys
Trivia Time
and Random Stream Giveaways

At this time I am streaming at random times, will be updated later.

Donations are definitely not required and are truly optional. If you want to donate, I will use that TC strictly for giveaways and you get to choose which kind. Please pm me before you make any type of donation. Thanks for being generous to others and contributing. Donation are non-refundable so please think before you send the TC/items.

Thanks to:

Cheshyre- 25000TC
Wizard- 11000TC
TyZi- 10007TC

UnknownPvP- 2000TC

Last edited by Devil; Jun 8, 2015 at 05:08 PM.

I for one Love this idea and i love the fact that he is doing it for all of us I feel like donating most of the money i recieved already from this back to him so Others can enjoy the tc and for those who deserve it more.
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Awesome idea, good to see a return to a community and getting everyone invloved, keep up the good work
I am sending all of the money that is donated and I didn't spend on events to devil1bank, for use of when I am hosting an event. And that way you guys can see it wont be spent on any items. Thanks for being so generous everyone.

Will you be giving anything of more value like items or 3D shizz or a mouse and keyboard or something of that nature?
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Maybe in a major milestone like 1000 followers. I just started but I do get a lot of viewers so thats good.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Can I get a full list of mods? Your twitch names so I can add on the thread.

Sure thing My Twitch name is MickleDaPickleKing