Original Post
Toribash 4.95
Another step to 5.0, mostly with fixes.

Steam will autoupdate.

- Fixed pop up message on menu
- Fixed multiplayer window server search
- Fixed multiplayer window crash on scroll
- Added delete confirmation window to replay menu
- Added rename label to for rename text field
- Fixed alpha not working for 3d objects
- Added workaround for a startup crash (players will need to modify the cfg file to change shader option to 0 and chatcache option to 1)
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
- Added delete confirmation window to replay menu
- Added rename label to for rename text field

this shit is lovely.
but release 5.0 now pls
auto-upadated on steam.
thank you.
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- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
good stuff !

But "trigger score" and "score once" from previous version are still broken in the modmaker, their values still reset to 0 whenever we select another joint.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
good stuff !

But "trigger score" and "score once" from previous version are still broken in the modmaker, their values still reset to 0 whenever we select another joint.

You first need to enable triggers for bodyparts and joints in Body II and Joints sections, then change trigger score and score once values. If you try to edit values for bodyparts/joints with disabled triggers they'll get nulled.