Original Post
Hi, haven't played for awhile, so I have some questions

1. When going through the flame browser are ALL of the Flames existing ? Like for each flame I see in the flame browser, do they actually exist ?

2. What is the current Tc rates ?

3. I saw a thread on market bots and someone selling them... Please don't tell me they are legal now...

4. Are there more staff positions open considering the new implementation of 3/D objects & hairs? If so please let me know the shortcuts to get to the forgers ingame. Thanks guys
I love to drink Hoka-Cola while I do the Hoka-Poka
1. Most likely, unless they were deleted or "quarantined" for reasons

2. I'm guessing you mean tc/USD .. Uhm, it's been up and down recently, but 10k/$ is good, sometimes you can get higher

3. They were for a bit, but not no more.. all bots are banned.

4. Ctrl + O for hair forger. For 3D objs. you need to have a 3D modeling application on your pc.. Blender is free.
You probably already know this, but post questions on their recruitment thread.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Thank you thepirateking!

You were a great help. Closing thread. Until next time
I love to drink Hoka-Cola while I do the Hoka-Poka