Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Lil Request
this will most likely get infracted for some reason but is it possible to avoid making your post count go up while still remaining forum active... cause i like my post count where it is at the moment... 666 :3
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
technically no, it's not possible.
If I remember correctly some board doesn't count the post, like Clan Discussion.
make a new account
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
If I remember correctly, you can modify post count, join dates and etc if you pay an admin. TC or cash, I'm not too sure. I mean, my usertitle hasn't changed since I got "Senior Member" because of the green hat.

I'm pretty sure something can be done about it, just pm an admin.

Lot's of things are listed on forum customization. Sir has a profile customization shop open as of now, but I don't know if post count editing is a thing.
Pretty sure the only thing you can do is stop posting next to the clan discussion, and tp/vip board if you have it.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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