Original Post
United States created ISIS
The world wide known terrorist group called ISIS, was recently released that ISIS was allegedly created by the US to overthrow Syria's President Assad.

Some links to let you read about it.

What are your thoughts on this?
Last edited by WeooWeoo; May 26, 2015 at 10:01 PM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I dun think this is real, Weoo. I think this is just hoaxed, but i'm not saying this is impssible.

Brb gotta read this shit. Sounds interesting
imo if obamamam wouldbe been more decisive, and attacked quicker, i dont think this wouldve happened. Obama is a scaredy cat, he wont get involved because hes scared the ISIS will attack the U.S if he does. (IMO Dont rape me if im wrong)
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
It's been on the actual news (CNN, Fox, etc) for the past month. Plus, it was on Yahoo news too. The second link it New Youk Times.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
imo if obamamam wouldbe been more decisive, and attacked quicker, i dont think this wouldve happened. Obama is a scaredy cat, he wont get involved because hes scared the ISIS will attack the U.S if he does. (IMO Dont rape me if im wrong)

This isn't about what the president of the U.S has and hasn't done to defeat ISIS. This is about the United States instead creating the organization, as some sort of hoax. My first thoughts on this is that this is just Propaganda. It's news articles of course; the Media simply wanting to give the public something to read and something to blame the Government on.

"Bush did 9/11" is merely revamped with this. What purpose would come from this? Killing thousands and killing our own simply to gain the trust of a native country and guarantee supplies we can get from another powerhouse country? It's irrational. One doesn't even need to read the articles to know that this is probably just fake and irrelevant in every way possible.

"ISIS, Iranian leaders have been saying for a long time, is made-in-the-U.S.A., a tool of terror intended by the world’s superpower to divide and conquer the energy-rich Middle East and to counter the growing influence of Iran in the region." (

Okay, yet this tool of terror is in-fact counterproductive, because ISIS soldiers are not american (obviously). Were they paid to attack the Middle Eastern Lands, and paid to kill our own?

Or in fact, has the U.S Government simply gone mad and decided it was reasonable to dive into EVEN MORE debt by paying for troops and weaponry, simply to collect "energy rich" material found in the Mid-East?

I would quote more, but what need is there to? the rest is simply nonsense, the Paranoid government of Middle-Eastern countries trying to find someone to blame. Plus, why would be send a Terrorist group after them if we could easily destroy them ourselves?

I'll read into this a bit more. Correct me if I'm wrong.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
It's been on the actual news (CNN, Fox, etc) for the past month. Plus, it was on Yahoo news too. The second link it New Youk Times.

'Fox' and 'actual news' in the same sentence? Ok, sure.

Anyway, just thought I should say that I've seen a couple posts which are a little too close to the shit-post line for me to feel entirely comfortable about the future of this thread. So yeah, if I could not wake up tomorrow morning to find a stinking cesspool here that would be just wonderful. Thanks.

Just gunna quickly remind you of some tips and tricks to not end up shitposting: Don't use the level of the other posts as a point of reference, use the rules they are better. Jokes are usually fine, but if your joke is not accompanied by some sort of intellectual (*sigh*) content then the joke will get deleted and nobody will get to see how hilarious you are. Good luck I guess.
Good morning sweet princess
I'd just like to point out it wouldn't be the first time something the US financed/created get out of their control.

For instance, it's a well known & proven fact that Al Qaeda was originally financed by the US as a rebel group used to overthrow the last remains of soviet-like communism in Afghanistan, and then shit went down. So, considering our rulers do not seem to learn from previous mistakes or generally show great interest in the lives of their fellow human beings, I don't think it's unconceivable that they did finance ISIS for some geopolitical purpose in the early beginning of that group.

Edit : nvm, it's actually written in those articles.
Last edited by deprav; May 27, 2015 at 12:59 AM.
I don't think that we should be discussing a conspiracy on a discussion board.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Why shouldn't we be discussing the topic? The US is certainly partly responsible for the creation of ISIL. Without the right power vacuum and geopolitical climate (which was heavily influenced by US involvement), ISIS wouldn't be around. The preconditions that necessitated it's birth were molded by the US.

Topic stays open. There's definitely much to discuss here.
Ah, so apparently I was very wrong. The U.S in fact did have a part of ISIS' creation. Excuse my ignorance beforehand.

So my topic of discussion is.. Why?

Didn't they learn with the previous terrorist org they funded?

It has gotten to a point where they're now fighting the thing they created, much like last time. Only to have the location they're defending hate them. ISIS got out of control, and now they can't stop what they started.
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Fear sucks eggs