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Rules question:.
I have a forum rules question:

Its legal to trick people into click on you "on.toribash" link right? Because every third person seems to do it...

How about linking someone to a blank page? Obviously this is just a waste of time, but theoretically would it be legal?

What is the limit in tricking people to go through invalid/blank/on links?
1. Yes it's legal to trick people into clicking on.toribash links.

2. I don't really see how tricking people to clicking themselves into blank pages are illegal either. However, I don't see how it can be necessary.

3. Do NOT link to porn, nsfw material or otherwise vicious sites. That'd be sure to get you a suspension.

Also, do not make threads or posts specifically for the purpose of fooling people into clicking a faulty link.
Originally Posted by CMon View Post
2. I don't really see how tricking people to clicking themselves into blank pages are illegal either. However, I don't see how it can be necessary.

Thats what i got suspended for, apparently i was trying to get other people banned by doing it...?

My next question: is it possible for a blank link like this to glitch and ban someone? if so why doesnt it happen for all links?
No. You'll get an error message about permissions if you try to access something without the correct usergroup permissions (for example, you try to edit someone else's post without being a mod), but you won't be banned. Not automatically, at least.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Fine. I will. I'll state it here as the matter of fact. The thread that the blank link would have led you too was the "I'll fuck you up" thread that veb was banning everyone for a month who posted there. I tracked the link. It was blank, but it was still an attempt if not, a pretty pathetic one at that. You even said to post on that thread if the link worked, meaning you knew what you were doing. Enjoy the punishment you would've given others if your little crap plan had suceeded, a one month ban.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
My lil bro sent me that message, and then told me it was his shop and that no1 was going in. And so he asked me to get people to post if they could...

Well, that was a bit shit...

EDIT: Dont you think if i wanted people to ban themselves i would have gone with "Free 1 mill tc to 50th poster, Its against the rules to look at the tread before you post!"

I think that would have banned a LOT of people.
Last edited by NotGorman; Sep 19, 2008 at 06:24 AM.
so, you obviously got a shop link from your li'l bro and decided not to click the link to see what he was selling? unless you had already seen what he was selling and did not care enough to check again to click the link. another point then. if it really was your li'l bro's shop, why did you not label it as such? i'm not a researcher, but i think people who actually want to buy stuff click on shop links instead of "click here and post" links.