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Music of the past or of the present?
Hi, It's my first post in this board so probably it will not bea very long text.
So, when I was young (like 12/13 y//o) I just listened to nowdays' radio music, house, eletrronic, pop and sometimes 90's rock music, and I liked it. But I started to learm about the history of my country's (Brazil) songs. I started to learm a bit more of rock from the 50's, blues, jazz and many others songs fromAmerican and Braxiliam culture, after getting a certain knowrdge of old music, now, in my opinion, music nowdays are bad, or like they aren't better than the old songs. I think that eletronic music like dubstep are very stupid (No offenses to who likes it).

And you? Do you like the classics songs of the past like Beatles, Bob Dylan, Chuck Berry and "old" music genres like blues, jazz, rockability or do you prefeer the eltronic music and pop with eletronic sounds, remixes, bass drops?

Thanks for reading and posting!
Last edited by Toriality; Jun 10, 2015 at 06:32 PM.
Music is just as good now as it has ever been. People fall into the trap of thinking old music is inherently better is because of a few things. When you think about music from the past, the only kind you remember is the good stuff. Most people look over the dumb pop songs that people listened to in the past because they have no relevance now, like most of the top 40 stuff people compare to the greats of the past. People are essentially comparing the worst of today with the best of the past. Also, I believe its easier to identify great music from the past than great music from now. There's a lot of music that was well received in the past which isn't today, because in hindsight we realized it was nothing special. So the few artists from the 60's or 70's that are still remembered are usually all great bands that stood the test of time. We're going to be remembering bands just like that from today, its just you don't know who those bands are yet. Thus, I guess its almost "safer" to listen to music from the past, but that in no way means that music today isn't good. You just need to know where to look to realize that music is still just creative and enjoyable as its always been.

So to answer your question, I like both music from the past and the present. I don't see either as superior to the other
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
in addition to what Larfen said, its more fun to look for music today because i have to shovel through the popular stuff that might not last the test of time in order to find something i like and that might last, and in the process i might end up finding that i like and that wont last (and then i can be a great hipster to my grand children )
oh yeah
Like Larfen said, there's not really a difference between past and present music, merely the change in "style" and whatnot.

Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
Most people look over the dumb pop songs that people listened to in the past because they have no relevance now, like most of the top 40 stuff people compare to the greats of the past. People are essentially comparing the worst of today with the best of the past.

I agree with you.

I think the "worst of the present" songs are usually the popular ones, which is why they are being used as a common example. If I recall, most past greats blew up in popularity, which is why many people still recall them to this day.

There are still many great songs from today, and of course there were bad songs in the past.
people felt exactly the same way about blues/jazz/rock as you feel about dubstep. when music went electric (ie w/ amplification, electric instruments), a lot of people did not like it at all and looked back fondly on the fully acoustic music of days past

like people genuinely felt betrayed when dylan switched from acoustic guitar to electric
For me I can enjoy all kind of music. Im not prejudiced about them. It changes about situation and my feelings in that moment. But if a music has a uniqe melody (thats relative, so people listening that kind of musics shows you if its good or bad for its style) its totally good. Doesnt matter past or present.
Leon The Black
I love american old school blues! BB King, Jhonny Winter, Muddy Waters, Creedence Clearwater Revival, etc. And either rock bands like Led Zeppelin, Anthrax, Black Sabbath... Dude, I f* love old musics hahahah . And well, I agree, nowadays people have such a different style, they like to hear another kinds of musics, and have a different thought too.
Last edited by StaY; Jun 11, 2015 at 12:12 AM.
| Undead Member | OBT | PWPI|
Yeah, that's true, I only focused in the bad music of the present, I mean, of course there still some bands and artists that makes good songs, but unfortunately they aren't as popular as the bad artists. And about the "bad" songs from the past, I don't know any lthing, obviously there were some shit songs but they didn't got famous, nowdays they hire anybody as a musician, stupid songs get famous easily, That's my point of view, maybe I'm wrong, And Lafen or anybody else could post a good song or band from the present and a bad one from the past if you know? Thanks
If you want this to remain in the discussion board, don't start posting specific songs please. Once this conversation goes into specifics it belongs in the music/movie mini-board.
Good morning sweet princess
Another factor is that everyone likes the music that he/she isn't used to. I mean if you listen to music of the same genre or the same influence a lot you will always get bored of it. And you look for something new. In this interesting case the old songs are the new ones, they sound different. And there are so many variations in old songs that you will less likely get bored of them.