(Legacy_) Forthcoming Legacy Recruitment
Welcome to the Recruitment page of ForthcomingLegacy
No Belts Needed,Black Belts+ can play in wars ,We Want Free Form Applications We Want Active Players And Good Boxshu Beasts So We need
5.Best Mods
6.How Much Have You Been Playing TB
7.Who Sent you here ?
8.Want To Add Something ?
9.Player Card
10.Your Steam Or Skype
One must not use overused moves in common combat.
One must be polite at all times.
One must keep swearing underneath the red card.
One must tread carefully when using the word "noob".
One must believe in the lore of "Forthcoming Legacy" and worship creativity and fun wholeheartedly.
One must be interested in Boxshu.
One must use "Nooble" when doing an application.
One must never do the same move twice.
Never, NEVER noob clap, one must do.

How To Put your Player Card
[/IMG]http://www.toribash.com/usercard/YOUR USERNAME.png[IMG]
Last edited by audykhamis; Jun 22, 2015 at 05:04 AM.
1.Name: Eric
2.Belt: Black
3.Age: 14
4 ACTIVE i am active
5.Best Mods : Mushu, Boxshu.
6.How Much Have You Been Playing TB : Off and on for the past year. (Usually on 6/7 days for atleast a hour)
7.Who Sent you here The recruitment server! also Audykhamis
8. Say Something Blargel im random
Originally Posted by TheRadOne View Post
1.Name: Eric
2.Belt: Black
3.Age: 14
4 ACTIVE i am active
5.Best Mods : Mushu, Boxshu.
6.How Much Have You Been Playing TB : Off and on for the past year. (Usually on 6/7 days for atleast a hour)
7.Who Sent you here The recruitment server! also Audykhamis
8. Say Something Blargel im random

Denied Not Free Form
Mah name is Tiago,altough I prefer being called peewe...Im Brown belt and im 16 also mostly active.My best mods are BoxshuV3 and xspar.I have been playing 1 year and a few months.I play most of my free time if im not playing I am probably sleepin...I have been sent here by the wise Audykhamis and i am bloody random.
Originally Posted by Peewewe View Post
Mah name is Tiago,altough I prefer being called peewe...Im Brown belt and im 16 also mostly active.My best mods are BoxshuV3 and xspar.I have been playing 1 year and a few months.I play most of my free time if im not playing I am probably sleepin...I have been sent here by the wise Audykhamis and i am bloody random.

"wise Audyhamis" And Bloody Random I like you XD Okay I Vote YES
My name is Eric.
My belt is black belt, Rank :
I am 14.
I am very active, considering i am on 6/7 days a week for at least 1 hour.
My two best mods are Boxshu and mushu.
I've been playing Toribash for about a year, and i stopped playing for two months when i just started.
Audykhamis gave the me the link, so i applied off of his link.
I like legacy.

This better be free form
Originally Posted by Peewewe View Post
Mah name is Tiago,altough I prefer being called peewe...Im Brown belt and im 16 also mostly active.My best mods are BoxshuV3 and xspar.I have been playing 1 year and a few months.I play most of my free time if im not playing I am probably sleepin...I have been sent here by the wise Audykhamis and i am bloody random.

I love you. I vote yes