Original Post
[Text] I made a cute head
So, I made a request for someone to make me a red eyed blue haired anime head. No one would accept it (was willing to pay 20k).

So, I had to make one myself...


in game

Wha'cha think?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
You're getting better from time to time, mapping good, it lack of shadings
Still, good job
All of your heads look the same. It's the same hair every time, and the same big eyes. It isn't too bad but you should try doing something different.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
Originally Posted by Azion View Post
You're getting better from time to time, mapping good, it lack of shadings
Still, good job

Yeah, I need to go back and add some shading.

Originally Posted by JuaniXk View Post
All of your heads look the same. It's the same hair every time, and the same big eyes. It isn't too bad but you should try doing something different.

They all look the same because that's what I like to make. I haven't made anything else because I haven't tried before, and would probably be bad at it.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Well, you'll never get better if you don't get out of your comfort zone ;). Good work Siren, as said above it needs shading, and hair seems stiff but I like it.