Original Post
(ZPark) Zenith's Spark Recruitment
Welcome to the Zenith's Spark Recruitment Center.
I want to start out by saying, thank you so much for looking into us.
I hope you're interested in joining us, In the goal to help many many players who seek to become better fighters, create an army of fighters, and overall, have more fun on this great game.

In this clan, we seek to point newer players in the right direction, rather then have them be confused, angry, and at the worst case, Give up.
What I mean by this is be a shortcut.
We've all been there, and it takes a long time to become anything good.
Instead of it taking months to learn any kind of movement, why not take a shortcut and cut that time to a couple weeks, or even days?
We also seek to have a great time, creating an Army, if you will

Now, applications are going to be split up in two sections Teachers, Students, and Members

Please Follow the application instructions listed, Depending on the role you wish to choose




Progress, not perfection.
Last edited by hawhaw2; Aug 1, 2015 at 03:11 AM.
I'd like to apply for a teacher;
Y0LOking (The O at the start is the number zero)
I'm 19 years of age as of November
Eastern Time Zone (5h standard time, 4h daylight savings time)
This account is a black belt, although I have lost KOkombo due to becoming phised. An estimate to my level would be 2nd Dan Black Belt
I'd like to teach wushu, I specialise in wushu, defeating members of nitro and fl0w from time to time.
I'm on my tablet writing this, so no replays, although I've faced off against one of Zenith's Spark members a few months ago and he asked me to fill in a form, I rediscovered the clan and remembered the cool ZPark clan tag and the clan's dream and I decided to sign up.
I frequently visit the forum, although I usually have nothing big to add to threads, although if I'm recruited I will strive to become more active. My current activity's a 5-10 for the frequency I visit the forums, although I hope to increase that to a 7 or 8.

Thanks, Andrew.
Last edited by Y0LOKing; Aug 1, 2015 at 03:49 PM. Reason: I never mentioned that I wanted to apply as a teacher
i want to be a member
hi my name is ilumiwa im 17 eastern time zone the acount is a brown estimate of my belt would be 5th dan black belt. im best at aikdo. i want to join because you have a good clan and lots of good people in it. in forum activity i would be a 9.

I want to be a Student .
Hi My Name is Meshabull.
I'm 18 Probably Not Graduated.
And I'm Blue Belt.
I Want to get pro at Akido.
I'm Basically a guy who's blue belt That Always Bad At GameModes Even I'm A BlueBelt I'm Still a Noob.
I would be a 2 In Forum Activity.

Last edited by Meshabull; Nov 10, 2015 at 03:15 AM.