Original Post
[SOLVED] Replay bug
So, i sparred with a guy, saved the replay.. But when i looked at the replay, we had changed characters, like i was the guy who i sparred, and he was me... How do i fix this?

PS: He is better than me
Last edited by TheEziox; Jul 18, 2015 at 04:03 PM.
You switched toris?

Use /lp command to upload your textures in the character you want and same with your opponent's ones.

example: /lp 0 theeziox will upload your customs on tori character, while /lp 1 theeziox will upload your customs on uke character.

Play a bit with those commands and you should be able to fix it temporarily. If you want something definitive you have to go between your files and do some stuff, but i can't help you with that.