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Kyani - Network Marketing
I'm just currently interested to know if anybody here has had any experience in network marketing. And if they are interested in some information pertaining to a company I work with (and I do make money with).

I was introduced to this Kyani by my girlfriends father in Sweden and it is all over the world. Quite skeptical at first but I gave it a go and 3 months later of half assed work (I never put time into it) I make the equivalent of £115 per month and the person who invited me makes around £340 weekly [updated after asking recently]. That figure could be higher and it will be when I return to the UK and consider this seriously.

We hold webinars for more information and we have one next week if anybody wishes to attend. We also hold events all over the world for meeting and being coached.

Anyway; enough since I don't intend to advertise anything, just pique interest and get some PM's from interested individuals. If anybody wants more information please give me a message and I'll share whatever information you want to know.

I read the general rules and off topic rules and it seems to be perfectly fine to inquire about this. If it isn't please notify me but it stays the same. Message me if you want information
Last edited by souldevilj; Jul 20, 2015 at 11:31 PM.
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
isn't that like MLM?
I don't really understand marketing though, so correct me if I'm wrong

Yes it is a form of MLM, you're not wrong. The scheme is simply a job, you work at it and you get paid for your work and how much you get paid scales with how much work you put in it. It isn't a get rich quick scheme.

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Is it a pyramid scheme? Gimme more info, I'm a little interested, don't really understand what the company does to make money though.

What is a pyramid scheme to you? I ask that because I would like to say no but people have differing ideas to pyramid schemes. It isn't like ACN that sells useless appliances for scandalous prices and wishes for you to pay the company money for every month of membership. With Kyani you build a circle of customers and distributors and you get a passive income for every purchase your customer makes; the products are intended to be used every day and ordered monthly with satisfication guarantees to help those that may be skeptical themselves.

Although as an anemic I've tried it myself for a few months now and I have to say my health is a lot better for it, I feel more alert all the time and it's a pretty motivational thing to feel healthier which is what you're passing onto people.

As I said you make a circle of customers and distributors; you also get a percentage of your invited distributors customer revenue too. So the aim is to get customers on a product that improves their health whilst also possibly interesting them or others in becoming distributors; then you help those that you invite make their own money so they can support themselves in making their own success which I have done with 3 other people.

My answers may be a bit too vague but that's the general concept, it works and you have to work at it to make money. I haven't invested much time as I'm a Uni student but I still make £115 a month and I don't have to keep doing anything if I want it to stay that way. My girlfriends father invited me and he makes the equivalent of £340 per week but he has been at this for about 8 months now and he takes it seriously.

Look up "Brandon Stevens Kyani" if you have time, he's a hugely successful American that I contacted that works with this. A millionaire which is obviously not what we'd all become but it's proof in itself.

Just PM me if you two have some more in detail questions and I'll leave you my contact info. Just to let you guys know, we're holding a webinar for more information hosted by a very successful Kyani distributor, and we also have a facebook team page for those that want more information when they've signed up or if they're curious about learning more.
Last edited by souldevilj; Jul 20, 2015 at 11:30 PM.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Yeah this fits my definition of a pyramid scheme. You get money off of every customer that purchases things. You get money on whoever you've invited's customers purchases. So everyone goes out trying to get people into it so they can make more money. It's like that knife company CUTCO. It's a big 'ol scam, I'm assuming that this thread was only made so you could get more referrals and make more dosh. Really hate these kinds of businesses tbh, they're shady as hell. I mean no offense to you and it might be great for you and you enjoy it but these always seemed fishy to me.

Feel free to discredit it but I'll correct one thing, in all due respect.

It's not a scam and yes of course I made this thread for the purpose of inviting more people. The reason I tell you this isn't a scam is simply because you pay once for a license and you share a product line that gives good health benefits.

You're not forcing anybody to buy, and the company itself advises it's members to give the product away for free for potential customers to try and test for free with no strings attached. However I do understand your concern, they're a lot of shady kind of scam like companies and when I was told about this one I did a lot of research online.

My research concluded that Kyani isn't a scam, but most people complain because they don't make success with it (this would be due to laziness). I'd seriously be more than happy to answer any questions you might have, such as the in detail business scheme, more about the products themselves, maybe even testimonials. The products themselves are backed up by noble prize winners that discovered the importance of Nitric Oxide in the human body in 1998.

Anyway, my point in this post was to assure you that this company is most definitely not a scam. I make money with it, the product does my health good and the people I offer it for free tell me they're happy with the difference on their health. Feel free to look online at the Kyani product list or maybe some testimonials from people that have tried the product themselves. PM me if you want to ask something in more detail or if you want some information links such as a video explaining the business plan :')
From what I gather it is very much a MLM, they use a 3x7 forced matrix with 3.5% residuals and the same on the matrixes of distributors you sponsor plus 100% residuals from them. There's also some extra bonuses. There is spill but don't expect any more than your first level filled from that...

I doubt their blueberry juice does anything;
Well, it might make you schitzo
I don't think there's any proof that it works, and when I googled to look for it all I find is outrageous claims (caused by placebo or outright lying, I don't know): "The only information I can give you is that this product works! I've been on it for 3 months now and my arthritis pains are gone, I have much more stamina and vigor. I used to have sciatica and it is gone. I am 68 years old and still surfing. I would highly recommend this to anyone."

IMO every MLM scheme is a scam, in particular I doubt there's any benefit to Kyani's blueberry juice (Enjo at least sell cleaning products that work!).
If Soul really made money off it, then good for him, if you let him recruit you then you might eventually make money for nothing thanks to spill. Even more so if you can convince people to buy your juice.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I won't go to much more effort to say anything about the product other than maybe to research it a bit more. It isn't simply blueberry juice, that'd be a stupid thing to sell. I wouldn't be able to convince people to pay money for that.

I'll leave the thread open for anybody that is interested in asking me more; I can only really say that I make money with it and that I understand many people calling it a scam. I thought the same until I worked with it, the paying system is the same as other MLM scam companies but this "works" if you work yourself.

Anybody reading this can ask me for more information as to why it isn't a scam, though I'll promise you you won't make any money without putting effort into it. If you're that guy then it would be best to save your time and not try this kind of work.
Either way it's a product based on pseudoscience with no proven benefits...

If you can make more than the equivalent of minimum wage than I guess it's ok, but it doesn't look very reliable. You'd probably be better off with a normal job.

Can you post a breakdown of where your income was from and your tree?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Either way it's a product based on pseudoscience with no proven benefits...

If you can make more than the equivalent of minimum wage than I guess it's ok, but it doesn't look very reliable. You'd probably be better off with a normal job.

Can you post a breakdown of where your income was from and your tree?

I wouldn't advise quitting your job for something like this, not until you earned more than you did for your other job. (But why not keep both and make more money?..) I'm doing it alongside studying.

I'm not too good with numbers so I don't know if I can post a breakdown of my income. I just create customers accounts after they try it and like it then watch my end monthly payment change incrementally. I think the system has a tree built into it somewhere on the back office, I'll have to explore and find it because I've never looked at it myself.

May I ask why you want my tree though? It's a tad private but I don't mind saying what I made with it per month (hopefully increasing though I don't think it will for a while)