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[B][S] Heads or Textures to remake
Oh hai there. I see you're interested in either buying or having a head or set remade. Let's get to it then, main reason why I'm buying sets or heads to remake is I'm honestly kinda low on ideas. Last time I made a head was about 2 months maybe a month ago?

Anyway, yeah, to avoid plagiarism, I'd rather have the rights to the set. To be clear, I'm looking for sets that arent extravagant or finished but something that has the potential to be better. Simplistic or an outline for a set would be optimal.

I'm looking for a bulk buy atm, maybe 2-5 heads (depending on quality) or 1-3 sets from one person since the payment I can offer atm is the "Deal with it" item, worth 20,000 tc on the shop last I checked and 3,911 tc I have right now.

Cheers, good luck and good day,
Sir Cloud of the Third Fair Lands
Can I have a close up of the head? And do you have a copy of it without the tattoo? Artist?

Head would be worth 10-20k alone but I could go for just that since it's basically finished. Hmmm you interested in the "Deal with it" Shades?