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[S]Moat's Avatar shop!
Welcome to my Avy shop!

p.s i use photoshop CC

here i make avys for everyone but iam not so Expert in it.

I can make one thing:

how much do i take ? i would say 500tc since i suck at doing avys . but , if you want more then fine its okay.

avys that i made(it looks big so it can become better i think) :

Avys examples

Avys examples

Request app:
Size of the avy : (100x for default and 150x for vip)
what details do you want:
Examples for something you want:
font type:

i accept tc ONLY!
have fun!

Queue list:
Last edited by Moataz; Aug 9, 2015 at 06:54 AM.
Originally Posted by sadiebaby View Post
Can you just take a closeup of my tori and make the background fade in, forget what it's called. I can do the rest.

could you give me an example about that fade in . at least a picture ?
like this ?


i tried to make the edge's smooth but it didnt sadly
the picture in the spoiler is not the original one , its a screenshot of it . i made the original one in a photoshop file for it so you can edit it whenever you want . just check this and tell me if thats right or no
For some reason the screenshot doesn't have my skull necklace in it. But everything other than that is pretty much perfect and i can handle it from there.

But yeah if you could save the psd with everything fixed I can give about 1k
Originally Posted by XxfangsxX View Post
thanks moat for this epic avy http://imgur.com/THxPzDj btw how much do i pay again

give me the amount of the tc that you want . or dont give me tc ;)

Edit: btw , sent the fixed version to you sadiebaby. your welcome.
Before i request. Heres a tip when the pose is done hold all so the relax isnt visible cuz it doesnt look good otherwise

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