Original Post
[S] A Few *128x128 Textures*
Hey, I'm selling the following textures. Warning, only selling items, not Textures themselfs.
Left Bicep Texture - 1.4k
Left Hand Texture - 1.4k
Left Tricep Texture - 1.4k
Right Bicep Texture - 1.4k
Right Hand Texture - 1.4k
Right Tricep Texture - 1.4k

For all - 7k
Again, there 128x128. Not 512x512.
Last edited by Ozauris; Aug 8, 2015 at 06:52 PM.
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.
Fairfang, no more right hand, but i will do 7k for it without right hand
Last edited by Ozauris; Aug 8, 2015 at 06:11 AM.
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.
Lol the glich, i said fine for 6.2k and it put it above it.
Did it again
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.