Original Post
Unable to click joints in game
Random times while fighting, I have been unable to click my wrist and elbow joints. Once I am unable to, I cant until the entire match is over.

Is there a reason for this?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
use /click <joint>

try to ungrap the hand, this usually fixs it
if u don't want to ungrap, search by ur mouse around the joint
and when the join flash just click where is the mouse is
So yeah...
Originally Posted by SlaskBlack View Post
use /click <joint>

try to ungrap the hand, this usually fixs it
if u don't want to ungrap, search by ur mouse around the joint
and when the join flash just click where is the mouse is

I tried that just now. It isn't helping. It isn't both at the same time. In the last match I played, it was only my right wrist that wouldn't work.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."