Original Post
(Soulless) Recruitment Center

Welcome to The SOULLESS Recruitment!

So, You wanted to join this amazing clan? Well you gotta need to apply first!, Oh also, i can help you to make the Application for getting in this clan!

Things you gonna need to the Application Form

Did you open the SPOILER? if you did, Go make the App!!

please add me
my tb name is mrmcewen
my age is 14 almost 15
i was born on a Saturday
i live in the USA
and i am a brown belt
i want to join awesome clan because it sounds cool and i have a soul eater mask as my head texture so please let me in .
i try to get on tb every day but that's kinda hard because i have school
i don't get what you mean by in forum
yes i am sure i want to be in this clan