hey man, glad to see you're still trying to improve

and for what it's worth, you have

you're stiff, but i'm still proud of you for pulling off those dm's and doing them the way you want

the leg dm's were alright, but i enjoyed where you combo'd the rest of the torso

keep it up, bro
the goblin
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
hey man, glad to see you're still trying to improve

and for what it's worth, you have

you're stiff, but i'm still proud of you for pulling off those dm's and doing them the way you want

the leg dm's were alright, but i enjoyed where you combo'd the rest of the torso

keep it up, bro

means a lot coming from you mane.
opener was okay style wise, but you were leaning pretty far back

look at the position you land in at around frame 422
personally i think it looks pretty shit, and for movement unless you're planning on falling backwards onto an arm (which is what you did) it's really undesirable. the kick you did was the only thing you could have done from that position, and imo the kick itself was basic, kinda uninteresting, and really really bad to follow up from

the movement you did from the split into the launch position was okay, but you literally couldn't follow up on any dms quickly because your position was bad

the launch looked kind of bad imo, your upper body was finished rotating before your back leg was finished extending making it look really janky and dumb. that's the reason you didn't get a lot of spin from it either

the way your momentum from your launch completely stopped at like frame 295 looked bad, avoid that like as much as you can

back kick would have been really nice as the decap, and the movement going into the back kick wasn't bad

when it didn't hit and instead you counter-rotated to get the decap i didn't really like that, thought it looked a little ugly

movement going into the pose was aight idk

if i were you i'd try lower gravity because the gravity you're on right now literally looks like it's hindering your movement