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View National Rankings
After reading through this ambitious thread I thought of an idea with smaller scope but still with the intention of national/international competitiveness just using the existing rank system.

1 - National Rankings: A player can view the rankings within each country. Who're the highest ranking players in Australia? Sweden? Russia?

2 - Country Rankings: Player's can view which country has the highest average rank. Showing the top 3-5 could add some competitiveness.
Possible Issue -
Whether a minimum amount of players for a country is required to rank it. Why? If there's a country with only one ranked player, and that player is highly ranked, then they would practically automatically be top ranked as the majority of populated countries would have a diverse amount of ranks which would lower their average.

Possible Rewards -
Displaying somewhere both in-game and on forums the previous winners for both individual national ranks and country ranks. Top 5-10 players for national. Only top country shown.
Giving the top player for each country a 3D armband/headband with their countries flag designed into it.

Community Effect -
Adding awareness of players within certain countries, building more of a 'national pride' feel for ranks.
Adding national competitiveness may encourage more in-game activity as well as good-natured patriotic forum support. An increase in in-game activity would require displaying the ranks on the forums though, more work.

Well thanks for reading/considering my idea. Any feedback, additions or criticisms welcome!
I think there's a Country ranking, but I don't think rewards can be a good thing.
It will be an easy obtaining of TC / Items.

There's a player rank that hampa did and someone winned 992k of tc, a lot.

so Not Supported at all
Last edited by Corredor; Sep 8, 2015 at 10:23 PM.
Running away...
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
I think there's a Country ranking, but I don't think rewards can be a good thing.
It will be an easy obtaining of TC / Items.

There's a player rank that hampa did and someone winned 992k of tc, a lot.

so Not Supported at all

Just saying but he never said anything about winning TC.
dreamy suicide act
and the armband/headband is a way to show that you've made your nation proud(&forboastingrights) supported, but it might take some time tho.
no rewards please
could be op for small countries and aliens i dont like it

partially supported i guess
Originally Posted by dank View Post
Just saying but he never said anything about winning TC.

Originally Posted by Superseba
I think there's a Country ranking, but I don't think rewards can be a good thing.
It will be an easy obtaining TC / Items.

I know, but I was talking about Items too
Running away...
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
I think there's a Country ranking, but I don't think rewards can be a good thing.
It will be an easy obtaining of TC / Items.

No TC, but only one untradeable item per country that swaps hands each time ranks are reset just to show who was the top best player for a country in the previous month. Maybe with a minimum required games played that round or something too, just for the low player-base countries.
I don't really know about this idea, but I think it might be cool but I'm not sure if the rest of the community agrees.
i agree with this idea since i am from Egypt and i can be the 1st Egyptian to have high rank ?
idk but i support this idea.