Original Post
ATTN: If you've uploaded a mod PM RAYClovis, MrPoptart, or Skazz.
If you've uploaded a mod using the "Mods uploader and autoupdater" PM either of us with:

A small description so I know what I'm approving:
If the mod is yours or not:
If the mod is an update, a fix, or a version of another mod:

A picture is optional.

This will help your mods get approved much faster!

I may PM you back telling you to rename and reupload it.
I will not approve very laggy mods (sorry about CrashCar.tbm >.>) or instadeath mods (unless it is fair for both players).
Last edited by Skazz; Dec 9, 2008 at 03:13 AM.
It may be fair in the way that they both have an even chance, but the players only shot at winning doesn't involve fighting the other person. An example of a multiplayer mod would be zweihander.tbm
/offtopic (maybe wrong place to post?)

Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
or instadeath mods (unless it is fair for both players).

What's abbout the5_bouncefist01.tbm?
Im frightened of playing it online cuz it CAN be used as a "farming mod".
So im stuck to play it in singleplayer wich ins't realy fun...

Is it allowed to paly it online or not?

I asked this in IRC bevore.
The answer was like: "If you're not shure keep your hands of it!"
So i wanna make shure now ;)
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

bounce fist is acceptable because (unless I'm wrong) you use the environment as a weapon to fight with, and it's fair for both players, so unless it's really laggy, it's fine.
Veb's been so kind as to get me into the loop as well. Don't hesitate to PM me instead. Same rules apply.

EDIT: In fact, I haven't seen MrPoptart post in at least three weeks, so just PM me until further notice.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Since skazz is going to be inactive some time, who is in charge of approving mods?

more precisely, who should i PM to get my mods approved?
- its been a while
I'm making do with a free wireless connection my municipality provides, at the moment. It works about two hours a day

I've got some personal fish to fry besides, so don't expect much from me. However, I will try to sneak in every once in a while and do what I can.
You should PM Ray if you need a quick response. I'm not sure if FNugget can approve mods, but if he can't, he will be able to soon if he forwards the PM I sent him to the appropriate people.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack