Original Post
Body Mods
No, not piercings and other things. Actually changing character sizes ( before you say "ichibi14 there are mods" ) like being a small character, or a normal size. Body sizes in Toribash wont go over normal sizes, but will go under the normal size by 50% or 25%. If shrunk, the size of the stomach, arms, and legs (not feet, head, or hands) can be lifted to normal size. Good idea huh?
they have mods for that?
and if your talking about customzing the size of your tori, you better just go away thats really stupid and could be exploited.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
you can do this with modding already
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
it doesn't matter if you put that or not, the fact is that it's already in the game. if you want a feature that allows you to buy a smaller tori, that would be very unbalanced since currently smaller joints and limbs means they also move faster.

so either you accept that you can already do this with mods and create your own mods in which to experiment, or you abandon the idea of an alternative add-on where players have the ability to change their tori height/weight/whatever in any mod because that's extremely unbalanced.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
basically you are trying to make toribash like minibash.
It would make the game extremely unfair, and would start the "people who have tc are better than those who don't"