Original Post
Official clan only servers
Ello! I'm here making a request that you add official clan only servers! You see, in modern day toribash, the only special things official clans get are invites to special events, and a forum of it's own. But what I am here to suggest is setting a real "everyday perk" to being in an official clan. I suggest you add official clan only servers. These servers would have boosted Tc wins (maybe 30-50 Tc per win). They would also be ranked. There would also be periodic "mini clan wars" where the people who are in the server have a tourney or whoever has the most wins at the end of the set time limit get 3-5 clan points. This would encourage people to join official clans. Please take this suggestion under consideration.

With aimbot
Origin For Life
there are a lot of things wrong with this suggestion but I'll just point out the main ones:
- server space
there are already a lot more servers in toribash now thanks to the ranked, public, and tournament servers that are now available. I don't see a reason to add more for the simple purpose of having a server that (if you wanted to add clan wars) would be (0/15) or (0/30). I highly doubt these would be used regardless, generally clans who want to clan war will make their own server anyway (and clan wars are a cool thing to watch anyway, everyone should be a allowed to).

- tc boosted wins
n-no dude, do you see how many tournament servers are up right now?

- a "real everyday perk to being an official clan"
I may have gone along with this statement if you didn't name two huge perks that already come with having an official clan. you get your own board, you can get your own private board, you get a sweet tag, you can participate in clan events that would otherwise be official clans only, having your clans name listed under official clans itself so everyone knows how dope you are. there's a lot of cool things that come a being in an official clan and as the new clan war system comes out there would be even more benefit. it's pretty greedy to want servers that only these already respected clans of toribash get to join, and also get free clan points for playing in them.

don't get me wrong, I'm all for ideas in enhancing the appeal of being an official clan, but this idea is not practical.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Ok I feel you, but very respected clans should be allowed into very respected servers... Anyways, so you have any advice on how I could get official clans to be more appealing
Origin For Life
Yeah, what hyper said. It's kinda pointless to have a dedicated server to that clan, when you can pretty much make one yourself

There is no need for a dedicated server just for official clans. Just do /jo {clanname} or what have you.
And if you really don't want other people to join just do /set passwd <pass>(Sorry, I can't recall the syntax, pretty sure it is something like that though.)
Like what mwah said, this idea is impractical and just not all that needed.
Last edited by Tuna; Sep 14, 2015 at 01:33 PM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions