This is a good idea

It'll probably also raise the cap on number of objects placable as I'm assuming that pass-through objects won't lag the game as much as solid objects
I do some videos
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Originally Posted by Guill23 View Post
You mean like only decorative objects but not physical for tori's?

Yes. Objects that are visible but with 0 resistance, so you can freely pass through them.
I think pass-through blocks would be cool.
Like secret passages.

"Kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile"
God ABD player and masterful Daycare.tbm connoisseur
if you're looking for water physics, there's a script by Yoyo that makes it possible

however I'm still all for intangible objects, gives a new dynamic to environments
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
it would be a good improvement if there was a way to add it to the game without killing people with bad computer's shit.

Or if there was an option to not have it visible on minimum graphics.
this would actually be really cool for like parkour and shit
i don't know how it would go, you couldn't really tell if you could pass through something unless there is an option to make it like translucent, but i think you can already make shit translucent
no idea how to make mods though so yeah