Original Post
Op Suggestion
So when you create a game, then accidentally leave and didn't op someone, your server basically dies.

Kinda annoying.

So I was thinking when you leave and come back if your name is the person who created the server

e.g Server made by Mark0911

And I was op and came back I'd be automatically be opped back
Check my mixtape here
Selling my Deac here
this will be just a waste of servers lying there waiting for the owner to come back and its not a nice idea to put a load on servers on something which is of no use. if you want control of a server again you can simply create a new one or set an owner to your current one incase its still not dead yet
i see no use of such a system


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think about what you are suggesting.
every created server would have to stay active for this to work. every one server.

every player created server would at least have to keep the creators name somewhere, so it could be used in this situation. the amount of information space needed for this would be immense.
I don't think you get at what I am going at,

When u accidentally leave if u come back ur still op if u created the server
Check my mixtape here
Selling my Deac here
Originally Posted by Mark0911 View Post
I don't think you get at what I am going at,

When u accidentally leave if u come back ur still op if u created the server

and how do you imagine toribash would know if you accidentaly left or left for real?

The server would need the info about your authorship over it stored somewhere, and since toribash cant really tell if you escaped on accident or for real, the logical way to do this would be for every. single. server. to keep track of authorship.
Well, if you mean to be opped automatically when you go back to your room while there is STILL people in it, there's a command for that.

/set owner *password*

Then once you get back you can op yourself with:

/owner *the previously set password*
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bros why to lazy just come back and make another server pls we dont need so much commands its getting too laggy already.and i think one day
they there will be all commands on screen "WHERE IS THR TORI" ��
The server could last like 1 min after the last person leaves. You would have time to come back if you leave accidentaly)