Original Post
Allow modmakers do delete their own mods
So yeah. Would be great if mod uploaders could clean up old test versions of their mods so that they don't clog up the mod list.

Also, on a related note, would be great if there was same system for uploading shaders like the one for uploading mods. We'd end up with far more variety.
This is great. I've got a couple of mods that are super useless that I'd like taken down. Good Idea.
I see no problem with this whatsoever It would help clean things up but i doubt many mod makers would really bother to delete their test mods...
either way for those makers that do want to I support this.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Well this is a good idea, pretty much trash mods can be deleted from the "clan" section.

Last edited by Corredor; Sep 18, 2015 at 01:43 AM.
Running away...
Problem - deleting mods from the mod list thingy doesn't remove them from the server & the file names can't be re-used. YAY!

Ignoring the problem, there's already a user group that can delete mods from the list, but for obvious reasons it's not one we hand out often since it gives people free reign over all the mods.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Problem - deleting mods from the mod list thingy doesn't remove them from the server & the file names can't be re-used. YAY!

Not that big of a problem imo. Most people aren't gonna set mods that don't appear on the mod list. At least if modmakers could clean up their garbage mods the list would become shorter and with higher concentration of quality mods. Granted, most modmakers probably wouldn't bother..

Ignoring the problem, there's already a user group that can delete mods from the list, but for obvious reasons it's not one we hand out often since it gives people free reign over all the mods.

Neat. I don't imagine they delete a whole lot of mods though, do they? How do they decide what mods should go? I think modmakers would be better positioned to make that sort of judgment about their own mods...I'd defo delete some of my old ones.