Original Post
Stop Non Alpha-Numerical Characters From Market
I have suggested this before in various forms but i think it's time to do it again since the items with characters like " ' ", " | " are multiplying.

I think this is a problem because i find so many people in my trading rampages that don't know how to look in market for items like Surfer's Seishi, the sultan's fez, gentlmen's essentials and many more.

My suggestion is to think twice before relising an item and twitch the name so that it hasen't these characters in the name.

Also my second suggestion would be to rename the existing item to a more simple and searchable name.

For Example:
Surfer Seishin
Gentleman Essentials
Left kicking Kick
Fez of the Sultan
Jiyu Dreads with normal U
From Santa's Hat to Santa hat v2 or something
All the mustaches and others. Tori Team items, etc
Pm me for deals
Write "Dreads and it'll suggest the proper spelling of the dreads
Write "Sult" and it'll suggest the proper spelling of the fez

just do this for all the others, I assume you know how to spell at least one part of the word.
dreamy suicide act
Originally Posted by dank View Post
Write "Dreads and it'll suggest the proper spelling of the dreads
Write "Sult" and it'll suggest the proper spelling of the fez

just do this for all the others, I assume you know how to spell at least one part of the word.

He's not saying that he doesn't know how to do it, he's saying that noobs don't, and it's annoying to get this incredible high-balls when they try to sell you an item.
I sort of agree with this suggestion.
Thats what i mean. Not a big problem for me but a problemfor others. Or at least make a solid tutorial on market forum page
Pm me for deals
i totally support this. "Right Kickin' Kicks" used to work but then they changes it to only "Kickin" so i thought there was none of them at the market and same for surfers' seishin. the auto spell for these items still works on the old names and give no results :<


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I'm all for renaming the items. Can't tell you how many hours I spent trying to spell Jiyu dreads in the market.