Original Post
i would prefer something along the lines of if a username goes inactive for x amount of years (say 5 years) then the account is deleted and the name is put back into circulation, this would however be a bit cruel to people getting a name change so maybe more like 8 years of inactivity = deleted account

Don't know how staff will do it but i'm sure there is a way that won't force the staff to dedicate all their time to deleting accounts
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Originally Posted by Day View Post
i would prefer something along the lines of if a username goes inactive for x amount of years (say 5 years) then the account is deleted and the name is put back into circulation, this would however be a bit cruel to people getting a name change so maybe more like 8 years of inactivity = deleted account

Don't know how staff will do it but i'm sure there is a way that won't force the staff to dedicate all their time to deleting accounts

Deleting accounts messes up stuff. For example, the few Guest posts you can find around the forums are all made by a deleted account. The site devs can give a bit more info on that tho.

Also, longer names that 10 characters screw with the forums, because their profile next to their post is larger than the avarege, therefore the whole post gets nudged.

The one system I could see maybe happening, although I really cannot into coding, is that after a certain time has passed, a username that has been inactive for that time gets the affix of "_old" as you would get when making a namechange, although I still do not support the idea.
I prefer short names, like Eki, day, duck , etc.

would you like it if <abcdefghijklmnopqrst> spammed the server?
Long names are annoying, like what duck said.
Also I don't see any point of changing inactive members names, leave the dead be dead. There are not many reasons why you would need to delete old accounts, and that would also fuck up the forums(Guest posts etc and what if they got back? would you want your account deleted if you went away from the game for a few years?)
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Day View Post
i would prefer something along the lines of if a username goes inactive for x amount of years (say 5 years) then the account is deleted and the name is put back into circulation, this would however be a bit cruel to people getting a name change so maybe more like 8 years of inactivity = deleted account

Don't know how staff will do it but i'm sure there is a way that won't force the staff to dedicate all their time to deleting accounts

account deleting is not happending anymore and will never happend again
Ok maybe add 1 or 2 characters but nobody needs a username such as

Now that is the reason we make rules.
Originally Posted by Day View Post
i would prefer something along the lines of if a username goes inactive for x amount of years (say 5 years) then the account is deleted and the name is put back into circulation, this would however be a bit cruel to people getting a name change so maybe more like 8 years of inactivity = deleted account

Don't know how staff will do it but i'm sure there is a way that won't force the staff to dedicate all their time to deleting accounts

after 2-4 years the name is back up to be taken(only with purcashing name changes tho; how else would i have gotten my name)
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