yay this thread is gonna be great


Getting back was my favourite, it was quite unique. The other one was a bit boring to me but still better than I can do and it clearly shows you're more than capable of tricking well
Last edited by Glimpsed; Sep 18, 2015 at 11:04 PM.
the opener for getting back turned me on buttttttt the rest of the replay seemed kinda twitchy at some parts over all bolth were really coolieo
[Bloo] [T] My Shadow Case wont drop
The opener was okay, you could of got a little more speed by contracting that glute earlier than you did though.
i don't really know how to cnc tricking, but it seems a little stiff and missing momentum.
it is still decent
your replays are very fluid BUUUUUUT what your doing doesn't seam much like tricks it looks more like your flopping around it the air try getting more speed and height in your jumps
Idk, Bloom's stuff is pretty spot on. He's just not doing official tricks so much, rather taking a fun route.