Original Post
(Death)'s Newer-new Recruitment Center
Feel like joining the ranks of Death and his madness? Give it a shot:

Applications are free-form, which means that you just write about yourself ingame, and if you're comfortable with it, IRL. You must provide at least one replay.
Replays serve as substitution for an ingame test. If you provide no replays or a replay which shows no skill, you'll be tested ingame.
If you spar, trick, do madman replays or any of that other fancy stuff, please provide one of those replays.

If you have a good application, chances are you'll be invited immediately. If it needs some thought or discussion, Recruiters and Leaders will vote over whether or not you're accepted.

You do not need to post an application if we recruited you ingame. Your attitude, fighting skill, and wish to get better shows more than enough.



Last edited by Kahn; Oct 11, 2015 at 06:36 AM.

Hi Dimitrios, we will discuss it with the leaders and recruiters if you will be in the clan, you will receive a Pm on the confirmation
but why...
Hi I'm Please69. I'm 17, I live in the White Mountains of AZ. I'm not the best at this game, and there is room for improvement, but I'm also not bad at it either. Yadary tested me, and I won 3 of 4 games. I quit around blue belt for several years then picked Toribash up again. I suck at parkour (I'm but a blue belt) but I do have a few alright replays of actual fights. I like all kinds of modes, with exception to Judo. I hate Judo. I don't know how to post replays but I can definitely send you some if you guys would like.
"Resume" for Death
Hello, as you can see my name is NoiceM8Ja, and my friend Rydan earlier recommended me to you guys. My name is Joshua, (I go by Josh) and I am 14 and I'm a freshman in highschool. I began to play this game once I was 13, lost that account after a long rest from this game, (I didn't remember the password ugh) and now I have created another account. I would love to have death as my first clan. The people on this page seemed nice, (and as you guys describe it, insane) and I wanted to join, so that is why Rydan invited me. I am a blue belt, on this account I have been playing for 3 or so weeks, and I have in my eyes greatly increased in skill. In real life, I sketch, sleep, and play video games such as: Toribash, Destiny, and Super Mario World "ROM hacks." The mods I play the most in toribash are judo, greykido, and my own mod "MikidoV2." Thanks for your consideration, and have a good day.

I have not been tested by any of you yet, by the way.
Attached Files
for the clan inv.rpl (272 Bytes, 4 views)
for the clan inv 2.rpl (51.9 KB, 4 views)
for the clan inv 3.rpl (62.8 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by NoiceM8Ja; Oct 10, 2015 at 07:19 PM. Reason: Addition to my application
Hello,My name is Dylan Aka Yftoshi. Some of my hobbies are Gaming and basketball. I used to be in a clan call Innate Fighters I left because of inactivity of clan members and leaders.I played 133 hours and i had two point infraction once because of randomness on scam reports... I'm pretty active on forums and in game and im also a good fighter I love aikido but im not really a good fighter but i can still pack a little punch. I hope you consider my application. <Yftoshi>
Please and Noice, you guys are accepted. Go kill things and poke them with sticks in the name of Death! Yftoshi, we will discuss your application n shizz.
Last edited by Kahn; Oct 11, 2015 at 06:38 AM.

To death clan app
Hi im Taigon im 14 and kick ass at mas, some of my hobbies are toribash martial arts and Drawing. I joined Akatsuki and Afk but i left due to inactivity, I play this game whenever the chance pops up which is like every day XD.I am currently in the stage of building the taigon legacy wheir i dominate mas, parkour and spar but i am effective in a clan war this replay is one from my alt just for a teaser of what i can do. Ive choosen to join death because i have witnessed the chemistry of the team and I think i would fit in not perfectly but almost perfectly.
P.s ill donate to the bank -_- if their was a i that would spell piss XD
uhh replay from my alt it switched names for some reason
Last edited by TaigonV2; Oct 12, 2015 at 11:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
My App for Dark,
Hey, My names Don I am 13 years old, Born on 5/22/02 (Ironically placed numbers I know lmfao), I have played Toribash for a little over a year now. I am a brown belt. And I am slowly mastering the mods Judo, Ninjutsu, Boxshu, Mushu, Wushu, And I am working on Akido. On my free time I enjoy playing Toribash, or Athleticly challegning sports like Basketball. I'm quite Tall for my age at 6"1. And I am pretty good at holding my own against higher belts. I can most definetly provide replays to showcase a bit of what I am able to do Combat wise! (I have no Idea how to share replays so I may need help with that!

Anyways, thanks for reading my app, -Don
Death to all that try to oppose it..
Application For Death
So yeah in game I'm Arcinerate, but I like to be call Arc, or my IRL name: James. I'm 16 currently, in grade 10. I've played Toribash for about half a year and I'm a couple hundred games from 2nd Dan so yeah...also my friend Rydan invited me so yeah, yay him. I enjoy mostly judo, but im not bad at Aikido, so I have like 7 replay attachments, and btw i dont like copy moves off the internet ._.

Attached Files
decapjab.rpl (24.7 KB, 1 views)
kneedintheface.rpl (35.6 KB, 1 views)
legsweep.rpl (8.4 KB, 2 views)
massacre.rpl (49.7 KB, 1 views)
simpledecap.rpl (13.7 KB, 1 views)
spins.rpl (41.2 KB, 1 views)
torsorip.rpl (13.7 KB, 1 views)
Hey im back
guys sorry i went silent i got caught up with school and work and programming but im back now so can you let me back into the clan?