Original Post
[AUCTION]Dawnthief's Sand-Demon Set

Starting Price: 10k
Minimum Raise: 2k
No Auto-buy

Hoping this one will get more bids than my last.
Although it may seem that the textures have been copied, they are infact redone each time.

Note: It's hard to tell but there is a running gradient of Sphinx-Noxious, it's pictured with gladiator but will go best with these 2 colours.
Last edited by Toy; Oct 1, 2008 at 09:55 PM.
Dam it I knew this would happen...

There's sand details in a Sphinx-Noxious gradient all over but it's hard to make out in the picture.

I'll try uploading some close-ups.
I can warmly recommend Nobuddie's screen shop (see signature). He does shader shots for free. Right now, he's on vacation, but he's going to return soon, I think.