Original Post
[I7] Invincible
Hello all. To apply properly your post to this thread should be something like this:

Alts(if any)-
Reason for applying-
What mods you prefer-
Skype(if you have one)
GMT(useful for testing)-
Info. about yourself-

We will all agree whether or not to test you and then we will all test you in a private server. This is so we can get to know you and your personality.
Belt-Blue Belt
Reason-I want to join a clan
Gmt-Toronto time
Info-I know the joint parts nd what they do
Invincible Application
Name- Jesse (sorry no last name)
Belt- Black
Alts(if any)- Maxtix
Reason for applying- I want to help/see this clan progress in it's future timeline.
What mods you prefer- xspar, challenging parkour mods, aikido
GMT(useful for testing) -4:00
Info. about yourself- Jesse (No last name) was born on 10/26/1999 in Kentucky. He has been playing Toribash for about 4 years and has learned a lot along the way. He raised a clan called Sparring Nation. A certain someone decided to revive that clan but in his opinion it failed. Jesse also has had a few of his replays showcased on the "Manonfirefilms" channel. He had a respectable amount of popularity on his alternate account (Maxtix).
Attached Files
Pink - Oblivion.rpl (1.17 MB, 12 views)
Pink - Acer.rpl (1.03 MB, 6 views)
Pink - Spy.rpl (740.8 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Pinnky; Nov 21, 2015 at 07:06 AM.
I nut glitter and vitamin C
Name- Solo - Alex
Belt- 2nd dan
Alts(if any)- Too much to name
Reason for applying- i am sparrer i like 2 join clan with flash
What mods you prefer- xspar , classic.tbm
Skype(if you have one) not have 1
GMT(useful for testing)- eastern
Info. about yourself- I have a account that is banned for life - name zhuyian -
Attached Files
Solo - reee.rpl (334.7 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Solo; Nov 26, 2015 at 08:07 PM.
Name- Baby
Belt- 2nd dan
Alts(if any)- NA
Reason for applying- My friend is in the clan and I think I gots what it takes cause I'm trying to get better with my tricking.
What mods you prefer- I really like creative sparring mods with lots of obstacles, cause I like jumping from wall to wall~
Skype(if you have one)BabyJ2kr
GMT(useful for testing)-(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Info. about yourself- I'm a boxer....HS student....IT lover and such I guess.. <~ Totally not a replay thread; Hi I'm sam
Application For Clan Joining
Name - Candyyy

Belt - Green Belt (I only been started playing, but im advancing through the belts very quickly and learning the game very very quickly)

Alt - No I do not own any alts

Reasons - I just looking around for clans to join, I know I look like a low level but I have versus and defeated alot of dan black belts. It may not real but I can serious prove it if I'm allowed to join.

Mods - I prefer and normally play Akido but I also play mods such as wushu, mushu, twin swords and many more.

Skype - I'll give it to u when you let me join so my privacy is secure.

GMT: (GMT+11) Australia Melbourne Time lol

INFO: I'm a extremely fast learner, obey instructions and can be trusted
Name- Combo2/ Elias
Belt- Green
Alts(if any)- None
Reason for applying- Bringing this group up to the ranks
What mods you prefer- Aikido
Skype(if you have one)
GMT(useful for testing)- -6
Info. about yourself- I am a gamer, I have a kind heart and can beat most people
Last edited by combo2; Jan 28, 2017 at 10:15 PM.