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I need help to improve my madman replays
So to start of, when I make a opener then I don't know what to do next.
I need help on how I can improve my kicks openers ect.
Help is appreciated

Well,for the first frame of the opener try to move random joints with x and mouse wheel,when u found the one u liked more press space or shift+space(1 frame) one or a couple of times.
Usually when u r doing an opener u will go down to the floor and turn ur chest to one way and then the oher way to get momentum for the kicks.
(right rotate chest,right bend lumbar,extend both glutes and contract the pec that u r going to turn for example if u turn on the right contract left pec) that's a basic turn,there r a lot of different ones.
So when u turned the other way,that's easy...u need to decap,split-cap or do a madman.
For better boom hits go in this tutorial made my pusga,he can explain better than me
I hope I helped u <3
pusga's boomhit tutorial is naic

as for openers, it's a rather gray area. anything that works and that can get you momentum, will work. if an opener is bad, people will look past that and judge the rest of the replay accordingly

(unless your like an ormo recruiter or something heaaeahahaha)

you have to know how momentum works, and how to gain it. also, know about inertia. what?! physics in a broken glitchy game like toribash? no way!1

well inertia does apply. (when i say inertia, in case you don't know, is the resistance something has against moving). when you kick, you want to move your body parts in the opposite direction of it's line of movement. pretend the foot creates a trail, and the direction that trail goes in, you want your arms, and other leg, to go the other direction. rotating your chest plays a BIG role in this.

don't be afraid to try something out of your style. punching does exist. when you start stemming out from your style, that's where you start getting creative.

this is all i could think of for the time being, so i hope you find it helpful
tsu tsu cuckoo
FIGURE out what you want to do.
TRY HARD doing what you wanted to do.
This usually works with me;go fuck all with the freeplay first,then try doing what you want and make them work in a way you can do it.
I usually have troubles with what to do next too,but from time to time of practice you'll get used to it.
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
your movements are erratic, sometimes slow sometimes fast
floppy neck