Original Post
Are real time ghosts working / in the game?
I've noticed someone activate them on a server but nothing changed on my client (couldn't see any joint update) . Is the feature in the game? How do I enable it?
If you are playing you won't be able to see the ghosts move.
Only spectators and people in the queue are able to see RTG (realtimeghost).

It can be activated with /realtimeghost on
It can be activated for ops only with /realtimeghost ops
It can be deactivated with /realtimeghost off

Note that these commands can only be done by the operator of the room, and they are automatically enabled on your client when you enter the game.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
Do they still work if the command is entered mid-match? I am spectating on a custom server with some friends and the ghosts are still not working. Using Toribash 4.95 on Steam.
Originally Posted by tiniuclx View Post
Do they still work if the command is entered mid-match? I am spectating on a custom server with some friends and the ghosts are still not working. Using Toribash 4.95 on Steam.

Might wanna make a new room.

The RTG should work the next match when the command is used.
Not sure if it works immediately.

Try pressing G twice to perhaps refresh the ghosts.

Otherwise, sumbit it on bug reports or perhaps contact a staff person about it.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
Originally Posted by tiniuclx View Post
Are the ghosts on by default in public rooms or tourneys? I have never been able to see them if that's the case.

Just checked.
They are not.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.