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Liking & Disliking Posts
So being a forum kinda guy, I noticed on almost every thread has a spot where some one recommends something and like 5 people chime in saying something like "OMG Yasssssssss, do it!" (Mostly the item forgers news thread). This gets on my nerves and also clogs up threads with spam so.. I thought maybe we could have an option to like or dislike a post to avoid all that mumbo jumbo. It can also be useful for applications on clan boards, Instead of having several people say yes to an app, they can just like or dislike the applicant's application. The moderator of that clan thread would have the ability to see who liked or disliked it and judge based on that. Just a small feature that I thought might help keep threads cleaner.

*Designed for people that like something but don't have anything to add to the conversation regarding it*

Boards that I see it being most useful for:
Suggestions & Ideas.
Clan application and show yourself threads.

CnC please (If you don't have anything to add but like this idea, like this post.. oh wait)
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
I feel like it would backfire on applications unless the like/dislike button has a function to lock voting to a certain group, but I do agree that a like feature would be nice in a lot of boards.

Yeah, sure.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
I feel like it would backfire on applications unless the like/dislike button has a function to lock voting to a certain group

That's why the mod/creator of the thread would be able to see who voted and judge from there.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Clovermouth View Post
i think this used to be a thing

I wasn't around for the rep system, but what I understand is people purposefully tried to get a bad rep, and that's why it got removed.
Now as long as the likes aren't linked to profiles it should work better.
I also think the counter shouldn't go below zero. It's never fun to have negative values. Plus, expect people to vote down replies because they dislike/like the user rather than the post.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore