Original Post
[VID]Incineration yeah, it's my first vid. Forgive me.

At the end is a preview of one of the sets of my texture theme, Toritech. It's named Virus. In process are a few more sets, a new one by the name of Guard is almost done. (Oh, and might I mention Virus goes very well with the new Shaman color..)

I give it a 4/10.
I think it lacks a lot of things, but at least you put effort in it.
Nice Job!
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
The camera's not too great at times and the screen's been cut a bit short vertically. I'm unsure about the music.

Other than that I approve. ^_^

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
grr, naruto songs...choose battle music instead of "adventurous" music next time, unless you somehow do a different kind of video.
Another madman frenzy, all crossfade transitions. but good replays.
If you're going to record fullscreen on a widescreen monitor, I would suggest cutting the edges off to make the 4:3 ratio for youtube.
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
grr, naruto songs...choose battle music instead of "adventurous" music next time, unless you somehow do a different kind of video.
Another madman frenzy, all crossfade transitions. but good replays.
If you're going to record fullscreen on a widescreen monitor, I would suggest cutting the edges off to make the 4:3 ratio for youtube. iTunes is surprisingly devoid of suitable replay songs. And my song choice is compromised by my replay ability, that narrows it down lots. *sigh wish I was like Rutz :P* Any good ideas for songs? :P

The new iMovie is really, really constricting in terms of editing capability. For future movies I'll get more in touch with the old one, the general opinion of my associates say it is much better.

I didn't record in fullscreen, I used Snapz Pro X to record the normal Toribash window. Thanks for the advice anyway, I'll stick to the 4:3 ratio.
Not bad at all for a first timer. If you take the advice that skulfuk and Fnugget gave to heart you'll surely improve in no time.

I got a song idea for you too :O The Cardigans - My favorite game
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic