Original Post
(Stevo) Stephen Manning Recruitment

What we're about
we all about worshiping the man, the myth, the legend. a god among men. stephen manning.
if y'all are down for that post apps

content of app
Activity: this works for forum and outside of the forum activity, as long as you aint an edgy guy sitting in the corner of the room its fine.

belt: this doesn't matter, we're more interested in the type of dude you are. post it though just to add more content to your app

age: we dont really give a fuck how old you are but for the sake of it please be at least over 14 god damn.

steam name: gotta have at least steam fam, if we gotta get to know you you're damn right were gonna play other games with you.

nationality: we have to know where youre from or at least if you can communicate in english well, we dont care about grammar just as long as you can talk trash in english

on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you love stephen manning.

or if you want do a freeform app go for it, just remember that you have to have at least the info mentioned, thanks.