Original Post
Better, Dalir? Anyway.....

Here's teh deel.

Im a master belt, im experienced enough to know alot of things about this community, and im rly good in-game.

I just said all these things because i want some level of adm'n or mod (not agressive) because i rly think i can make a difference in the tb community.

I hear the you have to be mIRC active....

So i'll dl it and become more active on that.

I also assume i have to be forum active.

I'll try to help out whoever needs help to the best of my ability and make this game more enjoyable for a basher to play.

I rly hope you consider these factors before you decide yes or no.

Peace and Love

This game is pretty cool man...
Im a master belt, im experienced enough to know alot of things about this community, and im rly good in-game.

Skill at Toribash is not equivalent to skill at moderation.

I just said all these things because i want some level of adm'n or mod (not agressive) because i rly think i can make a difference in the tb community.

Prove it. What can you do? Past experience? And so on and so forth.

I hear the you have to be mIRC active....

So i'll dl it and become more active on that.

You should probably have done that before asking. As it is, you can expect that most of the moderators do not know you.

I'll try to help out whoever needs help to the best of my ability and make this game more enjoyable for a basher to play.

Again, prove it. Prior experience helps. We can't just assume that you are capable of all this and immediately give you power.

Final note:
Making threads to ask for power is not incredibly encouraged around here. If you can prove through your behavior that you can handle having/should have authority, it's much better than just posting saying 'hey, I want to have authority'.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Final note:
Making threads to ask for power is not incredibly encouraged around here. If you can prove through your behavior that you can handle having/should have authority, it's much better than just posting saying 'hey, I want to have authority'.


Also, hanz0, I thank you for being constructive. It's more than I could ever do.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
My personal complaint, despite this thread being locked:

Ok. Stop with the rly. This is the forum. You have TIME TO SPELL SHIT OUT. USE THAT TIME.

Past qualifications? We want to see what you know. Apparently all you do know is how to play too much Toribash and not use common sense.

Also, "teh". "teh". A leetspeak thingy. I have no idea why that ever popped up, since it doesn't make it any easier to spell "the", which is extremely easy to spell. It also has a different and stupider pronunciation.

There are also several other things that you have (obviously) done wrong that I have not listed here to prevent this from being a "You fail and this is precisely why" essay, and to preserve my own sanity for looking for all these terrible flaws.

If you really want to be a moderator, come back in 15 months after taking a few decent English courses. Thank you very much, if you do.

(Also, you apparently can't read stuff posted by color coded people, so ya... you DO fail at this. However, I still won't go into PRECISELY why.)
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!