Original Post
[A]1tc auction head
artist:i forgot.
starting price:1tc
min raise:100tc
ending date:24h after last valid offer


Last edited by Alpha; Jan 6, 2016 at 09:27 PM.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god


Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god