Original Post
How to...
Can someone recommend some realties clan in the TOP 10. I am very good in the so-called fashion ABD. Still there is a question from which it can enter the zone Clan ?
many clans require you to be fluent in their main language... don't know if your phrasing so weird because you meant it to be or you just can't speak english really well but i recommend joining a clan that you speak a common language with...
On the note of joining a clan this tutorial may help
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Originally Posted by Jimangoo View Post
Can someone recommend some realties clan in the TOP 10. I am very good in the so-called fashion ABD. Still there is a question from which it can enter the zone Clan ?

Might want to phrase your question a bit better so we can help you out more it's very hard to understand and in toribash there are really no top clans because of opinion that's like asking which color is best
Hope this helps
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