Original Post
Aka just for fun
K, as you can see, just for fun. CnC isn't too too necessary but if you gimme some i appreciate it.

Let the game begins. Some inspirations: Orko and Pusga.
Attached Files
tchaka tchaka na butchaka.rpl (150.5 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Arakata; Jan 27, 2016 at 01:31 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Tchaka: I like the replay a lot. It's good.
Things that could've been better:
It was a 50% manip, and a 50% grab twist. Not a fan of that move.
250-240, that twitch. You can do better.
Boom hit was beautiful. It totally made up for the weird grab.

Unnecessary: I understand this is probably more a fun run for exploring/practice, but I'm going to bullshit about it in here anyways.
Do not stop as you did on frame 700, can't keep going? Go back a few frames.

All in all, great replays, keep it up! o/

Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Thank you sir.

I am just trying do different replays than my usual. i got a bit bored, so i will try mix the styles and see what will happens.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Old opener, new stuff. Still a wip, i will break the wrist and do a manip.
Attached Files
toah.rpl (163.2 KB, 7 views)
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
opener is meh, I don't like how you contracted then extended so often your knees, looks twitchy (but you did say it's an old opener)
Loving that boom split, but looks like it could have a tiny bit more pwoer (maybe)
decap looks kinds weird, but it's still good
Instead of breaking the wrist maybe break the elbow, it'd make the manip still look good and make the replay look better as a whole
I think
