Original Post
Torishop Glitch
So I recently bought the ORC gradient(s) and activated them via inventory.
Never showed up on my character? Does it only appear in multiplayer?
Yes, I know it might take several minutes to work, but I waited for 10. Nothing showed up. And help is appreciated!

EDIT: I also bought the Helios relaxed color thing. If none of them go through is it possible to put them on my account?
did you try doing /dl knightnine ? it should automatically download your character when you start up your game, so doing /dl knightnine should work
While you did buy the Orc stuff, you never bought a helios relax. You haven't ever even earned the amount of toricredits needed to buy one. Don't lie about stuff like that d00d.

You already activated the gradients, so try restarting the game. If that doesn't work, use the command /dl KnightNine, then restart your game. If they don't show up after that, try /lp 0 KnightNine.

Edit: dammet demon you beat me
Now known as Kahnzuu.