Original Post
aw, man..
Some really sexy sync in here
I enjoyed the camera flashes a lot (which is rare)
CC seemed pretty solid to0o0o0o
wish it were longer though
I'm trying to remain open-minded about short videos, but 12 seconds... I just can't enjoy a 12 second video...

What was there was dope as hell though. Although sync seemed off at 6-7 seconds
quoted from my yt comment :

i dont like the camera angles at all, but i can't blame you, it's toribash. the frozen "cines" didn't fit at all, and the ending was hella weird. like the song was still playing when it was black screen. if it just ended abruptly after the last replay it would have been better honestly.

I also noticed that your camera is focused on the uke, which is weird bc usually you'd focus on the main subject but idk.

it just looks weird in this particular video

and this flare thing here is gross
Last edited by Velair; Feb 14, 2016 at 11:08 PM.
damn im gettin old