Original Post
Market Issue?
So I was looking at someone's deactivated inventory, and I saw the Red Submarine. There were a few on the market. I go look at it now, and they are not there, but the item still has them in circulation. Is this a bug? And where can I find them on the market? And does this happen with other items?

They're still there, I think it's just your errors here.
Also, circulation only means that they've recently been traded/changed hands and not that they're listed on the market. (iirc)

It might be because of your TC not being high enough (if you're searching with X amount of TC)
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation